Hi, I am
Andrei Marchenko

I started my journey as a Software Engineer in 2012, long before the emergence of React, TypeScript, and the modern toolkit. Over this time, I've witnessed the evolution of the web and its methodologies.

A significant part of my experience was spent in a platform team that developed internal tools for over 200 engineers. Among these tools was the SSR framework Tramvai for React, which I designed and laid the foundational ideas for . Additionally, I was responsible for a comprehensive suite of internal tools that facilitated rapid deployment of applications into our in-house infrastructure.

Furthermore, I have maintained a high-traffic Node.js SSR application, dedicating significant time to its performance and reliability (SRE aspects). Additionally, I've spent a lot of time on processes and how to build collaborative project work in a large company.

You can also follow me on Github, Telegram, LinkedIn, or Twitter